Wednesday, 22 July 2015

3 General Mistakes to Pay Attention While Investing In Bursa Malaysia Stock Market

As investment in Bursa Malaysia stock market is considered as a profitable source of making capital, there always some risk is involved. If having complete knowledge about the key factors to maximize profits, it’s helpful to trade by minimizing the risk factors. In addition, here are some common mistakes which must be avoided to minimize the risk factors.

Expecting Too Much Profit:

In order to earn instant profit, most of the traders sell out profitable stocks rather than selling low profit stocks. While taking early profit, investors make various mistakes. Therefore, here are some correct approaches to follow:
  • Early profit is not appropriate for investment grade stock but it might be appropriate for stocks that are mean for trading.
  • It’s required for the investors to maintain quality stocks by having proper Stock investment picks.
  • It is important to implement cut loss strategy.
Lack of Strategic Planning:

The lack of investment strategy is one of the common mistakes among the investors. Because of this, investors buy stocks through rumors or by predicting the market by own.

Besides this, it’s mandatory to monitor the stocks market chart by having accurate KLSE stock picks. The analysation of chart helps investors to decide when to sell or to hold the stocks.

Buy High & Sell at Higher:

Retail investors are very eager to buy the stocks only when price moves up. As retail investors are eager to generate instant profit, they always buy stocks at high price and sell at even higher.
This strategy of ‘buying at high and selling higher’ is not appropriate in fact. The investors have to quit trading if any single mistake occurs. As a result of which, investors has to suffer from huge loss. Therefore, it’s better to avoid this strategy until you’re not having reliable Malaysia Stock Picks while investing.

Before investment in Bursa Malaysia, first of all you’ve to be prepared to accept losses as a business perspective. Next important thing to follow is not to merge investment stock and trading stock. You’ve to follow different strategy while implementing these two types of stocks.

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